Paddy's Diary

Paddy's Diary

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Wine Buff Plasencia is up and running for less than a month, and though there are teething issues, overall the Spanish launch is working smoothly.

The feedback from Asun is great; she is already experiencing repeat customers, and, visitors to the her shop are delighted by the quality/price of The Wine Buff selection.

We have sourced locally a most incredible organic Olive Oil, it will go on sale in Ireland this week. I have been using this oil for the past 6 months and it is without doubt the best olive oil i have ever tasted. It is also one of the least expensive which fits our portfolio perfectly.

cheers, paddy

Monday, October 17, 2011

Two new Wine Buff Franchise stores have opened this month, the first in Ranelagh Dublin, and the second in Plasencia Spain. We wish Ivor in Ranelagh, and Asun in Plasencia, huge success with their new ventures.

The Wine Buff Plasencia is the first Wine Buff outlet to open outside of Ireland, and the fabulous reaction to our concept in Spain mirrors the reaction received in Ireland over the past decade. People are amazed and delighted by the quality/price relationship of our wines, not to mention the quality of service they receive.

You, our customers/friends, have contributed greatly to making the Wine Buff concept a great success story. All of us here at the Wine Buff appreciate your support enormously, and, we sincerely thank you for the continued faith and trust you give.

cheers, Paddy